Thursday, June 25, 2009

Jackson's 7 Months!!

See above picture.

Jackson turned 7 months on June 23rd. He is more mobile and active than ever. I feel like I keep saying that each month but it's so true. He's about 26 inches tall and around 18 lbs. He has just recently added "baba" to his many interesting sounds. I often catch him mouthing "baba" with very little sound as if he's trying to go through the movements for practice.

He's still not crawling but of course we are working on that. He is moving his legs and pushing his but in the air but can't seem to get his arms moving so he can actually go somewhere. He's so funny because he does try and crawl but once he realizes he can't go anywher or reach an object he's trying to get he will lay his head down on his hands as if he's saying, "whew, that was a workout." He has also learned to clap his hands and gets really excited when you clap with him. Stay tuned for more interesting developments in the life and times of Jackson Riley!

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